Coaches’ Code of Ethics

The Coaches' Code of Ethics has been developed to support the New Zealand Coaching Strategy and provides expectations for conduct and behaviour, which apply to everyone involved in coaching in New Zealand. It also outlines a philosophy to which all coaches should aspire.

Marching New Zealand has adopted the Sport New Zealand Coaches' Code of Ethics and therefore marching coaches are advised that the word 'athletes' should be interpreted as 'marchers'.

By understanding and defining appropriate behaviours for coaches you will be able to provide a positive, safe and harassment-free environment in sport.

What do these statements mean to you? Go to the next screen to look at each one in more detail.
  1. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every individual athlete as a human being
  2. Maintain high standards of integrity
  3. Be a positive role model for your sport and athletes and act in a way that projects a positive image of coaching
  4. Professional responsibilities
  5. Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your athletes
  6. Provide a safe environment for training and competition
  7. Protect your athletes from any form of personal abuse.
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